Stafford Medical Group has taken the decision to no longer use the AskmyGP system

We appreciate the AskmyGP system has been liked by many patients, but it has increased the demand on the surgery to such a level that the GPs are unable to cope with the high workload and this potentially can compromise the level of care we provide to our patients.

AskmyGP was implemented during the Covid-19 pandemic to allow a structured way of accessing the surgery with less face to face contact.  All the other surgeries in our Primary Care Network, Pier Health, used the system and we wanted staff from all surgeries to be able to support each other during this difficult period.  Sadly there have been problems with the system and reliability has been an issue. Our priority is patient care and we want to provide a digital platform for our patients.  We are currently looking at other options that are available to us. 

The surgery remains open and functioning – we will provide medical assistance in a timely manner.  We do provide early evening appointments on a Tuesday for people who work full time and cannot access the service during normal working hours (8am to 6.30pm). 

To access the surgery whilst implementing our new system, please use the following guidelines:

We will keep you updated about how and when we implement any new service – i.e. a new digital platform.

Thank you for your support and understanding during these challenging times.